Zimmerei Mühlpfordt Steffen Mühlpfordt Germany, Hirschstein OT Boritz
- Offer & Request cooperation in the construction sector
FERIA BOHEMIA s.r.o. Josef Dobrý Czech Republic, Praha 6
- Offer Zastoupení českých a slovenských firem ve Španělsku / Representation of Czech/Slovak firms in Spain
JS Lucca Jitka Serdelová Czech Republic, 150 00 Praha 5
- Offer Decorative sandblasting glass for doors, windows, furniture...
Geprüfter Sachverständiger für Holzschutz Jens Hauswald Germany, Radebeul
- Offer & Request A company with expertise in wood preservation with the authority to create official German certifica
Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS) Claudia Baldauf Germany, Dresden
- Offer Information on the Federal State of Saxony
Agencija Novelus d.o.o. MATEJ GRABROVEC Slovenia, MARIBOR
Teletek GmbH Helger Kretschmar Germany, Dresden
- Offer & Request Electrical installations, data networks and automation
Clearwatec Group Deutschland UG Thomas Proschwitz Germany, Großenhain
- Offer & Request Small waste water treatment plants, collecting tanks/malé čističky, sběrné jímky
Flex Sand Stein Jürgen Kusche Germany, Dresden
- Offer flexible sandstone
Bäckerei und Konditorei Hauffe Rüdiger Hauffe Germany, Dresden
- Offer & Request German company is looking for distributors and retailers for an innovative practical invention
Arkhangelsk region Mikhail Matov Russia, Arkhangelsk
- Offer Offering sawn timber
Berufsakademie Sachsen Ilona Scherm Germany, Glauchau
- Offer & Request German educational institution is looking for partner institutions and companies with interest in co
UPSTUDIO Evgenia Panteleeva Slovakia, Bratislava
- Offer Interior and architecture photo-, video shooting
- Offer Presentation film about company
- Idea Advertising - photo and video
Gaya Plus s.r.o. Jaroslav Gaľan Slovakia, Prešov
- Offer man power in construction market
ABBAS, a.s. Adam Horák Czech Republic, Brno
- Offer Security technology
GAU AO "Dom predprinimatelya" Irina Tikhonova Russia, Arkhangelsk
- Offer Production of sawn timber
Imitace Roubenek Tomáš Skřítek Czech Republic, Boleboř
- Offer Renovation in rustic and timber style of houses
Wansdronk Architektuur Renee Wansdronk Netherlands, Amsterdam
- Offer & Request Solar energy & low exergy building concept with seasonal heat storage Emporium
Mark Empire, s.r.o. Jana Cigáňová Slovakia, Levice
- Offer & Request Engineering, building, electro, production, distribution etc..
Mark Empire, s.r.o. Marek Cigáň Slovakia, Levice
- Offer & Request Engineering, building, elektro, production, distribution etc..
Bilateral Talks
- Participants84
- Meetings Requested210
- Meetings Accepted160
Profile views
- Before Event3358
- After Event125399