
Jiří Ratajský

PURLIVE, spol. s r.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 21st September 10:15 - 12:30
  • Friday 21st September 13:00 - 15:00
DescriptionManufacturer and retailer of prefabricated structures for low energy wooden houses. Quick and easy installation, own building system saving construction time. Partners and building companies form CZE and worldwide are welcome.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Architectonic, design, construction engineering services

    Construction of buildings

      Building installation work

        Construction materials

          Floors, roofs, painting

            Sustainable constructions and Green buildings


              Prefabricated constructions for building low energy wooden houses

              Manufacturer and retailer of prefabricated structures for low energy wooden houses.
              Quick and easy installation, own building system saving construction time.
              Partners and building companies form CZE and worldwide are welcome.