Lucie Plskova

ABA Invest in Austria

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 21st September 10:15 - 12:30
  • Friday 21st September 13:00 - 15:00

The services provided by ABA – Invest in Austria are free of charge.

Organization Type Chamber/Association/Agency
Areas of Activities

Architectonic, design, construction engineering services

    Construction of buildings

      Building installation work

        Electrical installation

          Construction materials

            Manufacture of windows, doors and stairs

              Heating, chimney structures, air conditioning

                Maintenance, renovation and modernisation

                  Building 4.0

                    Security technology

                      Swimming pools & sauna

                        Transport & Logistics


                            Cultural heritage

                              Tiling and bricklaying

                                Floors, roofs, painting

                                  Sustainable constructions and Green buildings



                                      ABA Invest in Austria

                                      ABA-Invest in Austria je oficiální rakouská agentura pro podporu investic. Je prvním kontaktním místem pro zahraniční firmy, které chtějí v Rakousku zahájit podnikání a založit společnost. Služby ABA-Invest in Austria jsou pro investora bezplatné.