Bilateral Meetings
- Friday 21st September 10:15 - 12:30
DescriptionThe company TECHSYS HW a SW, a.s. is a supplier of monitoring, control and information systems for
energy, industry, telecommunications and transport. - Monitoring and
control systems of electrical distribution networks (HV, LV), electric
stations, electric energy sources.----Výroba, vývoj a dodávky monitorovacích, řídicích a informačních systémů v oblasti energetiky, průmyslu, dopravy, telekomunikací a vodohospodářství
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
Building 4.0
Infrastructure monitoring, energy savings
We offer: Cost reduction of all types of energy through a comprehensive solution for its optimization. Infrastructure monitoring, such as quality, energy consumption, air conditioning, temperature, heating, ventilation, flood sensors, input sensors, smoke sensors and many others. We can easily connect to other systems. Generally it is about data collection, central evaluation, incl. archiving and alarms up to visualization