
ing. Waltr Sodomka

Technical Director
Messy s.r.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 21st September 10:15 - 12:30
  • Friday 21st September 13:00 - 15:00
DescriptionDesign, sale and installation of chimneys and chimney pipes. Measurements, revisions, controls of chimneys and flue lining. Control elements of flue lining. Fire isolation shafts and chimney stacks.---
Návrhy, prodej a montáž komínů. kontroly, revize. Požárně izolační šachty a prostupy systému Save Energy.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Heating, chimney structures, air conditioning


    Chimneys, flue lines, fire isolation shafts and chimney stacks

    We offer design, sale and installation of chimneys and chimney pipes. Measurements, revisions, controls of chimneys and flue lining. Control elements of flue lining. Fire isolation shafts and chimney stacks. We offer all products and services also abroad.